Saturday, November 24, 2012

Reading Learning Targets - First Trimester

Targets posted in the classroom at all times.  They are written as “I can” statements to help the students understand the expectations of learning.  These are the targets we worked on in the first trimester:

·      I can set a purpose for reading.
·      I can identify reasons for reading good fit texts.
·      I can explain how to select good fit texts.
·      I can select good fit texts based on my purpose for reading.
·      I can explain my thinking about my reading.
·      I can identify text evidence that relates to my thinking.
·      I can evaluate the relationship between thinking and text.
·      I can identify fluent reading.
·      I can read smoothly and with expression.
·      I can adjust my reading rate to fit the text that I am reading.
·      I can identify connections that help me understand.
·      I can identify distracting connections.
·      I can determine what is important while reading text.
·      I can identify ways to make meaning from unknown words.
·      I can use strategies to make meaning and use unknown words.
·      I can demonstrate my learning of vocabulary by using the terms in sentences.
·      I can evaluate my use of schema to help me understand before, during, and after reading.
·      I can use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words.
·      I can analyze information from various sources.
·      I can evaluate the actions of the protagonist while reading fiction.
·      I can identify the elements of a fiction narrative.
·      I can use strategies to help me comprehend as I read text.

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